Creating in chaos…

I apparently can’t understand terribly basic things. I tried an editing software today. One of those pricy ones that is supposedly user-friendly and has a gazillion features. So easy, everyone can use it. I am definitely not “everyone.” Total fail. I tried the free trial, which gave me access to every feature and the tutorials.Continue reading “Creating in chaos…”

Wandering through the darkness…

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, my lovelies, you all must be in love with me by now. I haven’t blogged in over two months. Why, you ask? I wish I had some profound or heroic reason, but the truth is I suck as a blogger. Life gets in the way sometimes. The realContinue reading “Wandering through the darkness…”

Once upon a midnight dreary…

Today was a good day, my lovelies! I took a little field trip outside the cemetery to the Edgar Allan Poe museum in Richmond! It was such an incredible place! As a writer of the macabre, I had to pay my respects to one of the masters. I took quite a few pictures, and possiblyContinue reading “Once upon a midnight dreary…”

Dream a little dream…

Welcome back to the cemetery, my lovelies! Inspiration struck me this morning, and I have a spanking new wicked creation to entomb here for you all! I can’t say for certain that this is truly completed, but I’m happy with it so this might actually be the final version. Enjoy! My imagination runs away, LikeContinue reading “Dream a little dream…”

Stopping kindly for Death…

Hello, my lovelies! Yours truly took another trip to the Hollywood Cemetery early this morning. It is my new favorite place, for sure. I took along my journal, and discovered a new spot in which to write. I must have sat for at least an hour, taking it all in. This will definitely become aContinue reading “Stopping kindly for Death…”

Spending a quiet Sunday with Death…

I ventured outside my own cemetery this morning to a gorgeous, old cemetery nearby. As fortune would have it, I now live just a short drive from Hollywood Cemetery in Virginia. This place is unimaginably beautiful. I don’t even have proper words to describe what I saw today. This is by far my favorite cemeteryContinue reading “Spending a quiet Sunday with Death…”

She’s a peculiar one…

Welcome back to the cemetery, my lovelies! The last few days have brought about quite the revelation for me as a writer. I feel I am gravitating back to my true voice. Fittingly, I have a new poem about change; about starting over. Well, sort of. See for yourselves: A chaotic canvas, yearning for change,Continue reading “She’s a peculiar one…”

Inspiration strikes…

I began writing this morning, and ended up with four small snippets of poetry. I think of them as “snippets” because they often get reworked into longer poems. Or, sometimes they work best as little snippets, and are left as such. Here, I will share one with you now: I lie in state, adorned withContinue reading “Inspiration strikes…”

Winds of change…

Guess who’s back, my lovelies! Your one and only Twisted Libra has finally returned to the cemetery! I apologize for the extended absence. I moved to a new state, and that takes a lot out of a living dead girl. It has been nonstop sensory overload these past few weeks, but I finally feel likeContinue reading “Winds of change…”

A funny thing happened on the way to Virginia…

I can’t explain why or how, but I feel like this move has awakened something in me. I am inspired like never before. I am writing almost daily. I am reading as often as I can. I feel like my connection to the spooky is stronger than ever. What is this sorcery? I finally foundContinue reading “A funny thing happened on the way to Virginia…”